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Welcome to the Movement is Life Blog!

Woman Covering Eyes in Crowd

The Problem

Many people do not pay much attention to flexibility or mobility until its a serious issue. Usually its because we are, or were, too busy to invest the time in maintaining our physical health and pliability and slowly decline over time.  And, other times its because of things outside of our control like an injury or accident happen and change our ability to move as we once did. 

If we let these issues add up over time the longer it takes to heal. Moreover, as we get older, we start to notice that our joints and muscles become stiff and painful without the excuse of overuse or injury. It is only then that we realized the importance of flexibility and mobility in maintaining an active lifestyle and the importance of having a healthy body - but is it too late?

The Opportunity

The good news is that it is never too late to start to reverse the process.  At FlexLifeGear we started doing research on ways to improve flexibility and mobility.  During this process, we discovered that there were many products on the market that could help. However, we found that many of these products can be hard to find, provided limited information on how help you feel better, and at times are not user-friendly (mostly because there is little to no information on how to use these devices properly).

It was then that we had an epiphany - what if we could not only create a platform to offer these products but also educate more people on how to be more flexible and mobile and also create a community of people that wanted to see this happen? We knew we could start by creating an e-commerce website offering a variety of over-the-counter type medical equipment, select exercise equipment, and other similar products that promoted flexibility and mobility - which we offer to you today.  However, we knew we also wanted to help make these products easier-to-use for people like us who may not be medical experts or health and fitness gurus but that would take some time to build.  Rather than waiting we decided, like everything else in life, start where you are and build from there.  

Sparking a Brighter Future

So, as we continue to develop this platform, we will bring medical experts and health and fitness gurus to the table, in order to elevate the information we are able to provide to this community, help us, as a community, learn how to properly use the equipment that is available and help us determine what new products to offer.

We are committed, as we continue to grow this platform, to offer additional products with the focus on finding these items from high-quality suppliers and manufacturers and work with these suppliers to also be able to offer these products at an affordable price. We will also make sure that the products we chose are easy to use, so that people like us would feel comfortable about what support we might want/need and would use the products we select properly for maximum benefit.

Join the Movement (Pun Intended) is all about supporting people to become more flexible and mobile. By offering additional education that is focused on accessibility, affordability and ease of use, our hope is that many people will improve their health and well-being.  If you're looking to improve your flexibility and mobility, consider checking out the products offered by - you might be surprised at how much of a difference they can make!

Please let us know how we can better support you on your journey to greater flexibility and mobility

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